Monday, April 30, 2012

Constitutional Tribunal aftermath (Myanmar/Burma)

A few weeks ago, the Myanmar Constitutional Tribunal issued its third ruling, namely that Hluttaw committees are not union-level organizations. At the time, I was puzzled over the import of the decision. Fortunately, Soe Than Lynn at The Myanmar Times has written a story about the reaction to the decision in the Hluttaw. According to the article:
Lawmakers have interpreted the ruling – and the wrangling that preceded it – as an attempt to reduce parliamentary oversight of government activities.
He also discusses some of the background to the litigation. Some MPs even suggested a constitutional amendment to enshrine the status of committees as union-level organizations.

Unfortunately, the article still doesn't really explain why the ruling would reduce the Hluttaw's power. In my earlier post, I'd speculated that the real impact might be that union-level organizations must have their budgets reviewed by the vice-president. Still, it seems that my initial impression was correct in that the tribunal seems to have become a key forum for resolving disputes between the other two branches of government

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